Monday, October 25, 2010

Working hard

Since getting the chest and breathing tubes out Lalo has been working very hard.  He is learning to breath and use his lungs on his own.  He is also learning how to swallow.  This was tough to watch because every five to ten min or so he would essentially choke on his saliva and eventually force himself to swallow, pump his little lungs to catch his breath and then slowly calm down and rest.  The nurse would allow him to do so, tough learning curve.  He has been doing very well and the first 5-10 hours off the breathing tube he learned fast.  His blood pressure has been slightly elevated since removing the breating tube, but has been trending down and as of Monday morning it is at good levels.  Every time he gets comfortable they will ween or adjust something, in a good direction, but it makes him struggle and he gets uncomfortable and has to work to catch up.  He has tolerated all adjustments and is working hard to get out of Dodge (Hopkins). 

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