Friday, October 22, 2010


Little Lalo continues to be an amazingly strong little boy. All the doctors are very pleased with his recovery. His ventilator settings continue to be pretty low and periodically they wean him further. This is based on his blood gases which have all been fine. His abdomen does not appear to be overly swollen. Although his pain seems a little better managed than it was last night, he continues to have periods if time where he gets agitated and it is visible that he is in pain. They usually subside fairly easily with an additional dose of narcotics.

There was an incident last night where the tubing that is connected to a chest drain was found by the nurse just resting in his diaper. The two pieces were supposed to be taped securely together, but were not. This was extremely upsetting to us, as this exposure is dangerous and exposes him to additional risk of infection. The surgery team ordered the drain to be suctioned and antibiotics given for 24 hours. The nicu drs ordered xrays to make sure there wasn't another issue. Just something else to worry about. The nurse taking care of him today said she had never heard of that happening in her 27 yrs of nursing. Awesome! :-(

The neurosurgeon has requested an additional ct scan of his head. They want to make sure that nothing got worse during the surgery. It seems to be precautionary and he is not showing any signs of additional injury. This means a trip to a different floor, which we are not totally happy about given that seems fairly stressful while recovering from surgery and still working on pain management. However, all of the people with the actual medical degrees are in agreement. So he will go at some point tonight (they don't want to wait until over the weekend because they are less staffed). We are hopeful that it won't cause him too much extra stress.

Thank you to everyone for their prayers and good wishes. Clearly, they helped Little Lo a lot yesterday. From what everyone tells us, it seems that there must be thousands of people praying daily for our pumpkin. He continues to impress us by the moment and we feel so blessed to have him with us.

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Anonymous said...

unbelievable about the drainage tube. i would be pissed too. good thing you guys are there. otherwise you may not have even know. things happen i guess. just keep your eye out. we have cough a few things too... i think it is like that everywhere. -katie

Unknown said...

I am so glad to see that Lalo is making progress. I think about him often, and he is in my prayers. I am sure his little angel "M" is looking out for him. Hopefully he will be home soon and you.

David Parker