Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Favor request

We need some help from our blog followers...we need you to be on the lookout Wednesday night. If you see our surgeon at happy hour, I need you to send him home because...he put us on the OR schedule for Thursday morning! Yes that's right - we have an actual date and time scheduled for L's repair surgery. Now that we put it in writing, I'm sure we'll get a call any minute changing it, but still we are very excited. All joking aside (No really Dr L - no happy hours!!) keep on praying for little Lalo this week. Pray that it is not a large hole in his diaphragm, that our surgeon is able to do the less invasive procedure, and that our brave baby can stay strong throughout his surgery and recovery. We will keep everyone updated on his progress. Is that the phone ringing....

Sent from my iPhone


Christine said...

We will keep you, Lalo and Baby Lalo in our thoughts and prayers, Sarah. Thanks for keeping us posted on what's happening. Just remember how strong Baby Lalo has been thus far. Hugs to all.

Kathy said...

Good luck tomorrow! We will be thinking of and praying for you. Keeping our fingers crossed for the less invasive procedure.