Thursday, October 7, 2010

Quick note

Not many changes to report for L.  He is having an MRI tomorrow that is a follow up to the neurosurgery.  This is slightly nerve wracking, as he will be put under general anesthesia, transported to a different floor, and then he is inside a closed tube, where they won't readily have access to him.  Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers tomorrow, for both a calm adventure and good results on the MRI.

Also, as you can tell from my last picture, Little Lalo is waking up a bit more and showing off his handsome eyes.  He is still pretty well sedated, but they are weaning back gradually.  They also had to increase some of his ventilator settings last night because they had weaned past his comfort level.  The attending said the point he is at now is still good, but they just figured out probably the lowest setting they can have him on for the time being. 


Christine said...

Hang in there Sarah. After what he's been through, I bet he'll be just fine. :-)

Unknown said...

He is such a fighter. So great to see his eyes open!