Saturday, October 9, 2010

Saturday brunch!!

So Lalo Sr. got here this morning in time to watch little Lalo have his first Saturday brunch! No, not scrapple and eggs ;-) They are starting him on tiny supplemental amounts through his feeding tube. It is less for the nutritional factor and more to just wake up his tummy. The next 24 hrs will tell us wether he can handle it or not. There are several issues they will be watching for since his bowels are in his chest. We are praying that he can handle it well.

Also, we were back this afternoon and Lo is the most awake either of us have ever seen him. He was looking around, sticking his tongue out, and we even saw 2 yawns. He seemed very content, and comfortable, and maybe it's too early to say but I swear he could tell we were there! He is too cute for words and he really looks smaller than yesterday!

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Anonymous said...

oh i am so happy!!! that sounds so positive. the food really perked the little guy up!! do you know what diutetics he is on? not sure i spelled that right. let me know. Jack and Lalo you can do this!! Love, katie

Anonymous said...

How wonderful to keep reading better and better news about Little Lo. We are all so happy for you and keep sending love, prayers and well wishes for you all.
Rhett, Jill, Katie and Marisa

Vicki Jensen said...

Sounds like you guys had a great day with him. Hope this week has many more days like today in store for you.