Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Surgery is done

Our surgeon just came out. Lalo did fine and is waiting to get transferred to a room in the PICU. He repaired the diaphragm using a gortex patch and it was a clean break away from his ribcage and he could see the old sutures attached to the diaphragm. He was not able to fix his pylorus because he couldn't get to it from the same incision and didn't want to put to him through additional stress. If the vomiting remains an issue, we will like go back to the OR in 6 - 12 weeks. He also fixed the incisional hernia. We are waiting for them to extubate him. They did not need to place a central line, just 2 peripheral lines. They also placed an epidural catheter to help with pain management post op.

While I was typing they just brought him out, extubated and looking around - he even turned to see his daddy when he called his name. He looks good!

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