Monday, May 16, 2011

Reherniated :(

Just what we get for assuming a simple day. They were able to place the GJ but the xray showed a loop of bowels in his chest...which means he reherniated or that there was a second hernia that is now causing an issue. Either way, he needs surgery to repair it and they are not comfortable releasing him until it's done for fear of a bowel obstruction. Good news is it doesn't seem to be causing him any respiratory distress. So we are being admitted now and are getting added to the surgery list for tomorrow. They also saw his pylorus (the opening out of stomach) looked extremely small, when it had last looked okay. Also, it was extremely difficult to place the GJ because of his anatomy. The small intestine drops off from the pylorus in a sharp right angle when usually it should slope in more of a "c" shape. All of these issues are hopefully contributing to his awful reflux. The surgeon plans on also opening his pylorus and repairing the incisional hernia that remains from his original repair. We will be at Hopkins for a few days and are very happy to have such a great team of doctors and nurses taking care of us. Please send Lalo some more prayers.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is what exactly happened to Wyatt. The radiologist saw that he reherniated when they were placing a GJ tube. Good news was that after his surgery, he no longer needed the gj tube. It was the reherniation that was causing all the issues. I wish you the best and Lalo is in our prayers:)
