Friday, May 20, 2011

Post Op Day 3

Lalo has had a bit more pain over the last 2 days. He has had several extra doses of narcotics to help him, but the epidural isn't quite as effective as it was initially. Another issue is they have to draw labs each day or more to check medication levels while he is on the epidural. Well watching him scream for 30 min as they try to take blood at 1:30 am is NOT my idea of effective pain management. Poor baby looks like a pin cushion - we counted 16 bruises from needle sticks following surgery and we've had at least a few more since that! Anyways, today they are going to switch to all iv meds so as long as we can keep his iv we should be okay.

The doctors started feeding him small amounts of pedialyte into his jtube (small intestine) last night and he has tolerated that so far. They are going to start breastmilk this morning and gradually increase to a full feed. His digestive system isn't totally awake so hopefully this gets him going. I'm guessing this will keep us here at least another day or two.

I've gotten several smiles out of him today, so that's a great sign. I am anxious to get us out of here and see Caleb - it's been since Monday!!

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1 comment:

Brooke said...

Thanks for the blog invite! Sorry about the pain but glad he is doing so well. (And you deserve to brag!) Missed you this week... see you next Tues.