Thursday, May 19, 2011

Day after

Lalo's is doing good. He is getting transferred to "the floor" within the hour, aka out of PICU! He did pretty well overnight, although he did not pee nearly enough (something his kidneys hate about being up here). He got several extra doses of fluids and that seems to have helped. They feel his bowels need rest from yesterday, so they plan on waiting another day to begin pedialyte and progress to feeds. The epidural seems to do a pretty good job of handling his pain. He has gotten a couple of doses of Tylenol but hasn't required any additional doses of pain killers. He has been resting well and cries when he wakes up but is pretty easily calmed but some head rubs and out of tune singing. We have gotten to see lots of old friends up. It certainly doesn't get old to hear how great he looks and how big he is. And we have definitely been reminded of how amazing his neuro status is given how he left the PICU last time. The doc last night was full of hugs, and questions about how he is doing, and good wishes. She also said that he is an example of why they tell parents to have hope after a brain injury as a newborn, called him a miracle, and said that's why they do their job! Now I'm just bragging...

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1 comment:

Judy said...

That's definitely worth bragging about. I bet everyone loves seeing Lalo again and knowing that their care for him has paid off so well. Give him a kiss for us. love, Aunt Judy and Uncle Steve