Sunday, November 21, 2010


Lalo's Central line was successfully removed this morning. They did take him to the OR just to be on the safe side. He went in bright and early at 7:30 and came back out 20 or so minutes later. No issues and they were able to avoid the breathing tube!!

His feeds were stopped at midnight last night and they are about to restart where they left off at 15 cc's. If he does ok with it, they will go up to 16. They are also going to wean back on his deloudid today. It sounds like they want to be a little more aggressive with this wean due to the compatibility and iv access issues. They are also going him down on lasiks, which is one of the diuretics he is on.

In other news, he is apparently a huge flirt with his nurses. Tell me something I don't know! He was smiling at them big time this morning while they were getting him ready for his trip and overnight he suckers everyone over to come talk to him. Sounds about right

Big brother Caleb drew him a picture with Dad's help this morning. I will post a picture soon.

Thanks for the extra prayers - I think they helped get him through all of last wk's excitement.

Sent from my iPhone


Nicole said...

Glad to hear things are going better! Yay for progress!!

Anonymous said...

yay!!! he is smiling???? that is great news!! glsd thyey got that line out. sounds like he is eating well. - katie

Mel said...

Smiling is always good! My best wishes to the whole Baca-Asher clan!