Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Slacking part 2

Well, it was a long day with no progress. Our surgeon got stuck in his surgery before ours and we didn't get back until 4 hrs after we were scheduled. Hope that child is okay! Lalo did pretty good with the delay considering we had to stop feeding him at 3 in the morning and that he wasn't able to catch a solid nap. When the surgeon did finally come to update us after, he told us Lalo had done perfect and was waking up just fine, but they were not able to get the j tube through. They had done an endoscopy as well (down his esophagus with small camera) and everything looked fine - esophagus, stomach, pylorus. However, the j tube was just too big to go through since he still young/little. So he left with the same tube he came with and we are back to the drawing board. There are a few other options but the hope is still that we can get him to a point of outgrowing this. We just need to make sure he gains weight and doesn't aspirate. The surgeon says we have done a good job keeping it up so far, so just keep doing what we're doing...no pressure!!

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1 comment:

Judy said...

Remember how Tevya complained to God in Fiddler on the Roof? I think it's your turn to tell God that you've had enough complications and would like things to get a little easier for Lalito and his parents! We're continuing to pray for all of you but are going to be a little more assertive in our conversation with the Man Upstairs. Lots of love, Aunt Judy and Uncle Steve