Wednesday, March 16, 2011

G-J tube

Lalo is slowly getting used to his new feeding tube. The main issue is that his reflux is still present. We met with Lalo's GI doc again and we have decided to move to a G-J tube. This is essentially the same thing as the gtube just with an extension that bypasses the stomach and feeds directly to the intestine. This should stop the reflux. The doc was going to go conservative but Lalo showed him a relatively small vomit and he said we need to move forward. Which is fine by us! It will be nice to have a relief from the stress of poor weight gain and the fear of aspirating. The doc was also pretty confident that if we can get Lalo to 9 mo or a year he should be able to get over his reflux. Fingers crossed!!

We also had appointment with an eye doc. This one was uneventful, which we like. Basically he would like to follow Lalo a little closer but no glasses or major issues! Just a slight tracking delay to the left. He did look at the MRI of Lalo's head after the surgery but felt like the damage to his optical nerve might not be significant and Lalo will hopefully be able to overcome any issues, and what he sees in Lalo's response to his tests, he should do well.


Judy said...

Sounds like some good news. So glad for you that the docs seem very responsive. Love, Aunt Judy

Anonymous said...

Lots of positive thoughts and prayers going your way! Love all of you so much!!! Berna