Friday, January 14, 2011


Ugh...the puking is back with a vengeance. You can tell how uncomfortable Lalito is. We were hoping it would settle down again after he had time to adjust to the last compression but no luck. So yesterday we decided to go back to where we were before he started throwing up again - 2 hrs on, 1 hr off. Hopefully, that will get us back on track and we can try again after he gets a little bigger.
We had a family meeting last week and the discussion was mostly on how long we would be here. The plan is to finish off his narcotic wean here, which takes us through 1/21. They want to keep him for several days after that to make sure he is okay with the wean, but estimate that he could go home around the 25th! This doesn't take into account a possible g-tube surgery, but we could always go home with the ng tube (the feeding tube that goes into his nose) and then have that surgery as an outpatient. So no definite plans but we are using the 25th as our goal date and starting to get ready to welcome Lalo home. This includes furniture assembly, cleaning and trying to warn L about the 90 lb puppy at home who can't wait to meet him (he will probably wonder why his new nurse is so furry and has bad breath ;-)


Kathy said...

So happy to hear that you have a date for Lalo to come home!!! If there is anything you need, just let us know.

Anonymous said...

Do you need any more help at home to get stuff ready?

I hope he feels better soon.

Aunt Kirsten