Tuesday, January 18, 2011

4 months

Lalito turned 4 months old last week! Hard to believe it was that long ago. Stretching out the feeds has NOT worked. It seemed to help a little the 1st day but now we seem to be even worse than before. We are hoping that the vomiting is withdrawal related that way we at least know it will resolve itself over time. Yesterday he received his last dose of methadone (which he threw up not long after) and Wednesday will be the last day for Valium. That leaves us with just 6 other meds to administer at home on a daily basis. No wonder he feels sick! That's a lot of meds for a tiny belly. His weight gain is still going okay - 14 lbs and 14 oz.

No whole family visits this weekend. Poor Caleb caught the cold I had last week. Still a very happy guy and talking up a storm!! Much of the time he is telling the dog what to do or sneaking her extra pieces of kibble or telling us to sit down and play blocks. He also talks about baby "Ya-lo" and we can't wait to see what he thinks of having him home. Not long now!

Sent from my iPhone


Anonymous said...

That is still a lot of medications, WOW. Check the known side-effects of each of them, also, maybe Lalito is unlucky in having a bad reaction to one of THEM.

I hope that withdrawal is the problem, because that means a solution is right around the corner.

It's good to hear that his weight gain is fairly much on course.

Aunt Kirsten

Anonymous said...

Got a text from Nanita indicating that Lalito is going home!! How wonderful. I will continue praying for all... Love you, Berna