Friday, December 24, 2010

Day of Life 100

At the beginning of rounds each day one of the doctors always introduces Lalo and tells the rest of the team how old he is, usually using the number of days. Christmas eve marks his 100th day of life! Santa has helped us celebrate by bringing us an early present...Lalo has only thrown up once since Sunday (this morning). You can tell he feels SO much better. Several nurses have even said he is an entirely different baby. When Caleb was a baby he was mr smiles and now we have mr smiles take 2.

We are cautiously optimistic that Lalo is over the worst of it GI-wise, but we don't think the road will be bump free. We have compressed his feeds slightly more but the most he gets in an hour is 45 cc's, which is what the last gi study showed as his max. We will slowly compress that more and more as he tolerates it. We are also back on the prevacid as of 2 days ago which he has so far done fine with.

The next step is to get him to take a bottle, which so far we have had zero luck on. He did meet with the swallow study dr this week who ordered a fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing (FEES) to look at whether it is safe for him to eat orally. I actually was able to watch as they did it and, aside from the crying, it was incredibly neat to see. Best of all, Lalito did a great job, showed no obvious issues and was able to protect his airway! This means that it is safe to continue trying to introducing small amounts by the bottle (well it's ok by everyone but him). Once he is actually taking small amounts we plan to reevaluate and see if he can take everything by mouth.

We wish everyone a very Merry Christmas! We are looking forward to snuggling Caleb and Lalo as much as possible and celebrating with family and friends.

Sent from my iPhone

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Merry Christmas Sarah, Lalo, Caleb, and Baby Lalo! So glad to hear the the GI issues have improved! Enjoy snuggling with those cute boys!