Tuesday, September 21, 2010


>> We have been put in a holding pattern. On arrival today we found out that the ECMO machine has been forming clots in various parts and will need to be switched out. Lalo has had hypertension as a result and has been put on various meds to help with this. He is still responding well but will not receive a second clamp test today as we hoped. He will essentially receive a clamp test during the switch but we will not get the info and be able to move forward to being taken off ECMO until the next clamp test.
> The goals for today are to switch the entire system out, keep taking fluids off to prep him for a second clamp test, and switch his ventilator to something that will be a better fit for when he comes off ecmo.
> We're hoping that tomorrow brings more progress.
>> Lalo and Sarah


Judy said...

We're with you in spirit and prayers.
Love, Judy and Steve

Vicki Jensen said...

I hope he has a good night. Let us know if you need anything. Hopkins isn't far.

Anonymous said...

Aunt Kirsten here,

I hope that everything keeps on going correctly. I have heard from other parents of NICU babies that nothing is ever straight-forward, marching-in-a-straight-line. It's always one step forward, one step to the side, repeat.

We are sending our hopes and prayers and love.