Friday, September 24, 2010


Another subpar day. They did another clamp trial today and it didn't go as well as the last one. He was only off for 25 min before they decided he needed to go back on. His blood gas levels showed that he was not doing well being off. The way the nurse explained it to us is that this really just indicates that he needs the extra help from the ecmo machine. Most likely this is caused by the extra fluids (still having issues with the kidneys), since there is also probably fluid in the lungs which affects how they function.

So they have decided to give him the weekend to rest and give the kidneys more time to recover. Since they won't be doing any tests, we are thinking surgery won't be in the next few days. We also talked to our surgeon this morning. He was overall optimistic, but feels very strongly that the kidneys need time to heal and that he needs to be on ecmo right now. We also have discussed some of the details of surgery. Unfortunately he can't really tell the extent of the defect until the surgery. If the missing portion of diaphragm is smaller, he is able to do a way more minimally invasive surgery. We hope this is the case.

On a positive note Lalo brought Caleb up to bmore this morning (I stayed here last night). We are thrilled to have both of our boys in the same town and get to see both of them each day until Sunday - we had been alternating the rest of the week. Lalo goes back to work on Monday (assuming no surgery) so we will have to figure out our new routine. Pray for a boring weekend for our little man, a small hole in his diaphragm, and that his kidneys kick into high gear.

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