Saturday, September 25, 2010

New ecmo machine #2

So after having dinner with Caleb, playing, and putting him to bed, we called the hospital to check in on how things had gone since we left at 6:30. Much to our surprise, they told us they had made the decision to replace the ecmo circuit again. I guess they became worried because of some clots in the machine and the fact that they still weren't getting any urine output for the day. This blindsided us a bit since last time there was at least some discussions we were aware of in the hours leading up to the switch. After waiting an hour to call back (we didn't go back since they kick you out anyways so they can create a sterile field) we finally breathed a bit. They said the switch went great and his levels all stayed good throughout the change and they even got some pee!! (here's to hoping that one day Little Lo can be super embarrassed about how much info I put about him peeing on the Internet).

Another issue we came across today was that there was some blood leaking from the cannulas in his neck. Any extra bleeding is worrisome bc one of the biggest risks about being on ecmo is that you are on blood thinners to help prevent clotting. This can cause serious bleeding issues. When we called back though the nurse had gotten through to the pediatric surgery dept and they decided they weren't concerned. Let's hope this remains the case.

Sarah & Lalo


Unknown said...

Hi Lalo we've been praying for your strong little Lalo. He' a beautiful little boy. My son's and my daughter, my husband and all our friends having been praying for baby Lalo. Maxie, Jefferey, and Elizabeth have their friends praying for him too. God Bless you and your wife and both yours sons, Caleb and Lalo. Our prays will be with you and your family. Our Mass is dedicate to Lalo and his recovery. Love you, Viola Padilla
(your Mom's cousin)

Unknown said...

Hi Sarah and Lalo, we have been praying for your son Lalo. A few days ago, our kids, had a special intention for baby Lalo at their schools. He is a cute little guy and he looks very strong too. God Bless the both of you and God Bless Lalo and Caleb. Our Prayers will be with all of you, from our family, Fhorest, Chancce, Meghan, and Spencer. Love Max and Dana Padilla