Thursday, September 23, 2010

Thurs update

> So unfortunately we didn't make much progress today. They wanted to let him rest today so early on they decided not to do a clamp test. We started out pretty optimistic bc he was peeing like a champ last night. But I guess they are still not happy with how much fluid he is getting out. His blood pressure and oxygenation needs were also too sensitive today and getting too high, so they don't want to crank up his artificial kidney on the machine very much. So basically what they need to do to get him into surgery, they can't make it happen very quickly. Looking like a few more days on ecmo and hoping for surgery early next week. Baby steps...
> Sent from my iPhone


Jill said...

Keep up the good work baby Lalo you are doing great. Sending lots of prayers your way. Love, Jill

Anonymous said...

Sarah--Do you want anything?

Hoping for the best and praying for you three.


Vicki Jensen said...

Keep it up little man. These CDH kids like to keep the docs on their toes.

Judy said...

It must be so hard to have to wait and wait some more, but he'll get there in his own sweet time. It's great, meanwhile, to see that you have not lost your sense of humor. That's quite a formidable twin Lalo is attached to! Almost everyone in Oak Park and greater Chicago is praying for you guys. Lots of love and hugs, especially for Caleb. He's so cute!
Love, Aunt Judy and Uncle Steve