Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Clamp test take two

Clamp test # 2 went okay, not stellar, but okay.  This is according to dr. guru.  So we will go at it again tomorrow.  He was off for 45 min (last time was 28 min).  They did an echo of his heart at the same time and that seemed to be functioning as expected (not the same as normal but good for what's going on).  The fellow on Lalo's case at the moment calls him a party-er bc he likes to move around so much.  She said that's pretty much ok when he's off ecmo but not so much for when he's on, so they have to keep him pretty sedated.  Only other bump is that his kidneys aren't working so hot today but that could be caused by several things, so hopefully those can kick back into gear soon. The goal is to get some more fluids off oh him before they try again tomorrow. 

We also followed up with the surgeon.  He was very positive about how Lalo is  doing so far.  But ideally he wants to see the kidneys in better shape before he takes him into surgery.  For the operation they will need to pump him full of fluids and he needs to be able to get rid of them himself, without the help of the ecmo machine.  So if his kidneys are able to get a little better function tonight we can than move on to planning surgery.  Perhaps it could be as soon as Fri or Sat.

Sarah & Lalo

1 comment:

Vicki Jensen said...

Just checking in to see how your little man is doing. Who is your surgeon? We had Fizan Abdullah and he is amazing. They all are, actually. Keeping you all in my thoughts.

Jack's mom